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Showing posts from June, 2013

动次 动次

好久好久都没有在星期六早上起个早身了 今天为了TARCAS 破例了. 虽然闹钟没有响 让我睡迟了. 非常非常的抱歉. D: 或许该买一个传统一点的闹钟 跑电池那种? -.- 唉总之很抱歉. 为了把照片能大大张的放上来 还换了部落的Layout. 可是因为经过脸书压缩照片的素质有点让人惭愧.  游戏开始之前 大家还很整齐的时候 先来个全体照. :) 第一站游戏: 谁的比较长 让每一组竭尽所能 用身上的东西排一条最长的线就是赢家.  放电话很夸张 但是有一张张的五十块夸张吗? 可是有什么能比整个人扑下去了不起? *roundofapplause 谢谢你们那么投入活动 让活动升色不少. :) Committee team. Set up with a clear mission: Disturb and fail all the other team. HAHAHA Status: ACCOMPLISHED. 其中最激烈的游戏 \\  Show Your Face. 让三队人同时挤进ARCH里面 拍照看到完整的脸就算得分. 执委以10分遥遥领先其他已5和8分落后的队伍. 分数不是乱来的 看左边那个Oppa Gangnam Style的战略就懂了 还有因为一开始就被Kenny抓着而来不及挤进去的Bernard 于是干脆的站在前面 差点让后面的人白白挤个死去活来.  真的不是开玩笑 要是执委真的有一组完整的队伍 那还得了 干扰功夫简直一流 人数不如别人但是也一连赢了好几站. 谢谢你们 也让今天更完整. 最后 用每一站输赢过后 分派的号码 换取材料 然后造一艘船. 还要有concept HAHAHA 左边上到下:  Shark\\Submarine\\Flower 右边上下: Spaceship\\CHICKEN LAY EGG HAHAHAHA 今天的冠亚季军. 冠军的学弟妹 不要小看那个toolbox 你们以后才知道他的好用 到时才来谢我哈. 亚军和季军 就好好手下吧. 已经尽力选有用处的奖品了. 希望你们会喜欢,还是说不要嫌弃就很好了. -.- 谢谢你们的星期六早晨. 谢谢大家的


Sorry for the late updatess. But better late than never right? Hehes. Erm, it's gonna a REAL LOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG one, again . So just skip to the words part around the end part if you don't feel like going through the pics, which is quite the best part.  Here goes. :) PS Forgive me for the poor quality of the pictures alright. ;) The Gemini. II Celebrated it with the girls one day before the real birthday. But the mood was there, the dates is just a number, only the people matters after all. :) It's the cake both of us have been telling the world that we want to have. HAHAHA Happy belated birthday to you. ;)  We are the boss of the day ✌ They (the scorpio babies) made us cut the cakes with our hands tied together. Wait till your birthday come, YOU ANNOYING SCORPIO TRIO! I remembered Huixin keeps on telling us to read the cards after we reached home, but yeah we are the Gemini, we don't listen when curiosi