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Showing posts from December, 2011


本来不想更新的 都还没回到家 但是看到我的最后一篇文 竟然是写毕业的 才惊觉 是该更新了哈. 我还没回到新山 从10号就一直在到处走 享受 :D 过着标准的spm后无 压的生活 吃好吃的 睡好觉 逛街 买东西 坐车到屁股麻 到处吃风 这个假期是我人生中买了最多东西用了最多钱的假期 /.\ 也是逛街最多的假期 爽爆! 虽然脚会痛但是 一切值得! 还是很喜欢走马六甲的Jonker Street :) 虽然都要人挤人 那天还下了雨 但是每次去都有新奇的东西 :D 那天去了TARC 大概会去那里了吧 如果我进得去的话. 因为Architecture在那里太抢手了 而且位子有限 老天保佑啊. 今天先不上传照片 因为这电脑没有photoscape 等我回去编辑美美了 才把它放上来 :) 因为某些原因 今天没办法回新山 老天保佑 我明天一定要回去啊 接下来好多东西要做啊. 我说 放假最爽就是不用忙着等开学! :D 假期万岁!


今天考完华文 我真的自由了 但是自由的到来没有想象中的激动 只是一时有一股想哭的冲动 但很快没有了 考完华文 我们尖叫着走出考场 但除了那之外也没什么 还是没有什么感觉我毕业了 今天最后一次穿校裙 最后一次这样放学后一起出去 最后一天做高中生 很多最后一次了  可能这生人最后一次看到一些人也不一定 我的中学生涯 就这样了 有点空虚 -.- 现在只觉得很累 刚刚唱歌唱道很high在乱喊  也不懂在干吗 好像神经病 但最后一次了吧 管他那么多 有多神经就几神经 我也很久没有那么神经病了 还想爬沙发哈哈哈 亲爱的 你赶火车啊 都没有等我 我都没有抱到你诶 就这样丢下我.. 都不懂下次看到你是几时咯 哇劳 几伤心都有咯. :( 毕业钟声响起 今天 我毕业了.


 Shop until sun sets hahahha !   Tired from hours of walking. Squating down while waiting for mummy to get the car. :P Went to Johor Premium Outlet with mummy and sis. Omg. You cannot imagine the jam. It's really JAM. If you think the queue at jusco tebrau going into their parking every weekend is jam, I am telling you, you are so so so wrong. JPO will show you what true jam is. So regret for not taking a photo of the jam then. We got to line up going into the carpark, a very long one. -.- And there was really some crowd.. Especially Singaporeansssss. We just walk around and randomly walked into any store and take a look around. And some shop go to the extend you have to queue and wait to GET INTO THEIR SHOP. -.-  And yet, there's people who are willing to take the queue. I can only remember Burberry does that. There's too many brand that I forgot the others that also did that. But then I saw Cotton On. And from that point onwards, I


 Finally we get the chance to wear this together !   At sutera mall already :)   ♥ Today's destination is SUTERA MALL ! Went to tebrau first, met with the other two beauties. And accompany my mum to Samsung while waiting for that two UNGENTLEMAN. -.- Guys shouldn't let girls wait you know And then we dig our way out to Sutera mall.. -.- Found manlin's shop and so she shopped with us :D Really a lot of things to shop there o.o Bags, dress, shirts,and all very tempting things. Tested a lot of dress. They are seriously hell of a temptation. -.- They are nice but maybe it doesn't suits me so I buy none of them hahaha. Maybe next time ;) I think I'm gonna go again next time, with mum. HAHAHA You know the difference when you shop alone and when you shop with your parent(s) ;P Anyways at last I found a bag that suits my needs. ;) And then we dig our way back tebrau. Seriously, Ang Wei Qiang, that gps of yours sucks to the