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Showing posts from December, 2017


還記不記得 我和你 最初的相信 還記不記得 孩子般 簡單的愛情 我們彷彿天生在一起 用不完的默契和話題 戴上了耳機 沉入曾經的 回憶 幸福的回憶 是追求 幸福的天敵 寂寞的問候 是加深 寂寞的陷阱 當時無限珍藏的回憶 變成無處躲藏的雨季 讓最小事情 都變成最痛 嘆息 每一段傷痛的愛情 都困住兩顆想掙脫 傷痛的心 如果說可惜 就在下一章 更珍惜 也許一個勇敢的決定 能換兩個重生的約定 「我們到了站」 這一站叫終於 終於結束的起點 終於寫下句點 終於我們告別 終於我們又 回到原點 流乾了眼淚 日日夜夜 未來的我們 也許能說聲 「好久不見。」 愛情並不是 對與錯 簡單是非題 相愛的兩人 不一定 能相守相依 因為相愛所以在一起 因為深愛所以又分離 約在下一站 車票是你我 勇氣 每一段遺憾的曾經 當時名字都叫憧憬 我們的心 不能忘懷的 至少釋懷吧 在風裡 「那些無法看破的嘆息 某天會是看淡的風景」 雖然那風景 永遠有誰缺席 站在這起點 其實沒有走遠 其實不願告別 其實我心中 依然想念 擁抱著遺憾 歲歲年年 卻要在今天 頭也不回的告別昨天 奔向明天 奔向明天 不回頭 不眷戀 的明天

Snippets of November

I'm not supposed to be here now, but I just talked to Mum,  and she was asking why hasn't she seen any photos of this and that,  and so here I am, eagerly showing you what I did in the past month. This blog was initially kept alive for my mum anyway, so here goes. November is mostly about Birnbeck (my site for my Final Year Project) and some Christmas market!! And also walking around town with the excuse of Christmas shopping, other than that it's all just snippets of daily things. Historical Georgian architecture market x Disco ball Cause why not.  Take note of my coursemate in the photo which gives an idea of how huge is this jetty.  View from my room, lying down on my bed. Literally.  And it's true that if you can see stars at night, it means there's no cloud on the next day. No cloud means the Sun is out, and in UK it also means cold af. Tried Couchsurfing