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Showing posts from April, 2010


Exam postponed, ugh. I Hate. It's on the 21st June. The monday right after my birthday. Means, no birthday celebration ady lor. People are hard to call out, even at normal days. What more just before exam, mid year exam. yiing suey is always that busy, so she's not coming out, no doubt. Others i dunno la, but probably the same. And asked me to postponed my birthday celebration until after exam. Do you know when the exam ends? No? it's 2nd of july. And by the time you all keep changing the date It already till august d. Might as well celebrate next year or whatsoever. Maybe the disappointment won't be that great, since i already know what's the outcoming. I'm not sure. Ugh, Shit. This's the worse.

Simply Complicated.

人简单一点何尝不好 开心就笑 不开心就别笑。 不想得罪人, 就笑着说心情不好哈。 两个人在一起简单一些 更更更更好。 不需要想太多 喜欢就是喜欢 不要问有多喜欢。 不喜欢就是不喜欢 不要问为什么。 没有用。 人,就爱毫无意义的把事情复杂化"/ 无奈。 不要说对不起 没有一点用处 没想到 你们也让我失望了 。。。


你说你要走了 两天后 还问我会不会等。 我只说我不想给你承诺。 试着忍住眼泪 却还是躲不开应该有的情绪。 不管怎么样 曾经有过曾经。 所以昨晚还是哭着睡了 再见, 我们 后会有期吗?

sick weather making everyone sick):

arghhh!! stupid weather making everyone sick"/ when it's hot, i can bathe at least 4 times a day. one of the reason is the habit of cleanliness of mine la. but it also rain and shine whenever it like. my body system is unable to get use to the environment.. maintain the optimum temperature,as bio teacher said.xD i get a flu on monday, get influent by junwei, i think. cause natt kena also.. and a little flu on friday.feel sleepy and spinning all day long): hope the weather will be fine soon. so that we people junwei,yeehui,natt,junwen,ziling,david and all, can stop getting sick. really sick and tired of getting sick and tired. take care everyone. haachoo! The pain i hide, the pain that only i know. i don't ask for you to understand. but please don't judge everything by what you can see. 既然伤痛是我的 我就有责任让它值得被珍重 because this pain of  mine make who i am today.


曾几何时 我们之间 已经不是以前的唯一了 眼前的一切 随时都能替代 你在我心中的位子。 不能怪谁 也许我们本来就不适合。 想你了 是因为下雨的关系吗? 只是想你而已 没有其他 我很平凡 不要求什么 只要一个 能温暖我小手心的大手 就够了。 只要一个 能陪我一起搭公车 一起步行回家的人。 平凡的事 在复杂的世界 也变得复杂了吗?