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感动是个什么表情? 泪眼汪汪 说不出话这样? 据一个不可靠消息,感动就是 要笑不笑要哭不哭这样的 想象起来的话 感觉很像脸部抽筋比较多. 我发现 我没有感动这个表情 是因为不够感动 还是不知道怎么表达 我看戏听歌看视频都可以乱哭 但是如果说是惊喜还是什么 我却很少会被感动到 虽然一部分原因是90%惊喜都会给我猜中啦 撇开视频电影音乐这些 还有亲情也例外 最后一次被感动 我也不记得了 也不重要是吧. 我记得以前有个人总是喜欢乱惊喜 也不知道哪来的习惯 然后10次 有8次给我猜中 其他两次 没有猜中 却出现了面瘫的情况. 反省之后觉得好内疚 别人那么用心安排的 就算扮一下感动也好啊 然后下定决心 如果以后还有这类情况 一定要尽力配合一下 结果,真的来了 然后我发现 尼玛姐真没有感动这个表情 -.- 还是感动点太高吗. 大家都惊喜的开心的 我就是以下的表情..... 唉. FAIL BIG TIME. 加上因为是很亲的人 就连假笑都省了就这样. 所以我是有病吗我也不知道. 虽然说 对这些没有意义的东西没啥兴趣 但是 能不能来个好心人让我感受一下感动是什么感觉叻 我试试看尽量关掉第六感配合一下. 结果连这个也变得和你一样吗? 我宁愿相信我只是没有遇到让我感动的人. 晚安.

Taiwan Day 3 // 东海大学建筑系楼!!

Taichung Day 3, Main attraction : Tunghai University ! Fortunately , Auntie Meiyue has a friend who is a former architecture student graduated from Tunghai Uni, and he is now a part-time lecturer there too. So I got to visit their studio! This is one of the things that I'm eager to share about this trip! Hahaha But still let's start from the beginning of the day.  Walked to the Taichung Main station from our hotel, as I said in the first post, it's actually a 10 mins walk, if we took the right route. Below is the Taichung Main station. Look how bright it was when it's actually not even 9 in the morning. Public transport in Taichung is mainly Metro Bus, which is different from Taipei. In Taichung, a lot of places can be reach by bus. And also, because they just launched the system, like how our lrt works, we have to touch the card before and after we go into the LRT, but in Taichung, they just launch this on the bus too. Hence, they