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Showing posts from October, 2014

Taiwan Day 3 // 东海大学建筑系楼!!

Taichung Day 3, Main attraction : Tunghai University ! Fortunately , Auntie Meiyue has a friend who is a former architecture student graduated from Tunghai Uni, and he is now a part-time lecturer there too. So I got to visit their studio! This is one of the things that I'm eager to share about this trip! Hahaha But still let's start from the beginning of the day.  Walked to the Taichung Main station from our hotel, as I said in the first post, it's actually a 10 mins walk, if we took the right route. Below is the Taichung Main station. Look how bright it was when it's actually not even 9 in the morning. Public transport in Taichung is mainly Metro Bus, which is different from Taipei. In Taichung, a lot of places can be reach by bus. And also, because they just launched the system, like how our lrt works, we have to touch the card before and after we go into the LRT, but in Taichung, they just launch this on the bus too. Hence, they