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Showing posts from April, 2016


英文歌有点腻了 今天来点怀旧的 就这样听了一整天的SHE 还有6天 今晚是个充满动力的晚上 准确一点已经是凌晨了 最近EQ偏低 没什么耐性 所以没事就带着耳机 SAY NO TO 杂音 其实还蛮多想说 但现在真的不是时候 下次吧 有缘的话 哈哈哈哈 Back to work.


My moodswings these days are seriously slowing eating myself up. For no particular reason, my mood have been no where near to pleasant these days. The frustration that silently piled up inside me is suffocating. And the part that I have no idea why are these happening is making it worse. At least I'm not letting these frustrations onto people around me, yet. And I've been secretly and quite frequently giving myself a pat on my back for the increase in my EQ these days. Even I myself am surprised. Today, for instance, is an extreme emotional roller coaster ride. I didn't slept for a whole night trying to catch up to my schedule for the Crit this morning. My motivation is always running out by this time of the semester, when I need it the most. And I almost wanted to give up and just go to bed at dawn. I fell asleep on the desk top instead. Woke up 10 minutes later, feeling cranky. And I thought this shall be a cranky friday. But then, I saw a snacks that my


Miss home, came home, ended up missing it even more when I leave. Every fucking time.


It felt like a long time since you came across my mind. Someone asked about you out of the blue the other day. It felt weird, cause nothing came out from my mouth and I just smiled. Maybe I'm just too tired to talk about it again, or maybe I don't even wanna think about it. It's weird how time passed just like that, but all I remember about us, is the exhaustion. Relationship is very intriguing to me. The mere thought of it gives me a shiver in my heart. I used to hope for an LDR, it sounds comfortable to a person like me, who needs a huge space to myself. But it's different now, when you know you might really be experiencing it, and when you have someone in your mind, who might have to experience it with you. It's hard. I hate goodbyes, especially those that may be your last. Relationship is already hard, what more a long distance one. Arghhh. Seriously I should either go to bed or do my work. Goodnight.