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Showing posts from July, 2016

Semester 4 x

That feeling when you're challenging yourself on something you really suck - is shiok af Last semester I challenge myself to try to overcome my model-phobia And so I'm kinda proud of what I overcome, and I even found some joy in concept model tbh. It's refreshing and new to me. This semester, time management. Ugh, it's a bitch. I could have it easy, but I joined 3 competition alongside with my already-busyaf-coursework I'm still a little unsure, cause 3 sounds like a lot to sacrifice. And by time management, I'm not only talking about work and study, I'm also trying to make more time for some people that matters. I've always been a family-centered person, people know that. But other than family, I'm pretty much a workaholic and always like some alone time, and friends outing. So, this time around, maybe I would try to see if its worth it, to give more time to someone. We will see. Anyway, the same a

Hold on to me

Too tired to sleep. x