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Valentine's ?

Outfit for the night.

 That stupid birthday girl taking pic end up no pic of herself.

 Mum & Dad. #love'em.

Don't judge a thing by it's surface. :X

Epic fail photographer : KDY. So many NG and still don't get a nice shot. haih.

 Hi to all tigress of Koh family.

 Went to Seoul Garden @KSL the other day
to celebrate the Valentine's baby's birthday in advance 
and to fulfil my promise to treat her at Seoul Garden. -.- 
So nice, last week treated my brother Moonlight and movie,
this week treat my whole family Seoul Garden . 
My purse burst a big big hole hahaha.
But it's nice, to treat my family with the money I earned myself. :) 
Sometimes bliss is not about receiving, it's also about giving out. :)

Pratically, the birthday girl ate the less -.-
and me and my bro keep vacuum everything till the last moment.
So fullllllllllll ahhhhh~~ /.\

Everyone is making a fuss about Valentine's. Why. I don't get it.
Valentine's Day, just another Tuesday ?
To me, it's my sister's birthday. Hah.

 Valentine's Day or whatsoever day,
single, attached, or married,
if you cherish yourself, cherish your life and appreciate what you have,
everyday of your life is a day worth celebrating.
Live everyday with joy and gratitude that's how it's suppose to be.
At least to me, it seems that way.

C'mon, stop making a fuss for being single on Valentine's 
 be satisfied of what you have in your hand now.
Don't wait for for Mother's Day to love your mother.
Don't wait for Father's Day to thank your father, and etc.
It's not suppose to be that way.
Be gratitude and you will realise actually you own a lot. :)

Happy Valentine's Day,
and Godbless.


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