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 YES! The lead of today's post is

And today, an exception to my other posts,
I would like to give it a try to post in English as it had been a long time since
I write in English, Proper one especially.
So I hope this won't bore the hell out of you. :)

It's an opportunity we got, thanks to our lecturers with the name of our club,
TARCAS : TARC Architecture Society.
It's a chance for us to get out the world we are in, in the studio facing drawings 
and forcing out ideas from our limited space brains.

So this time!
We are not facing any buildings, design or juniors seniors or any human being.
This time, it's ANIMALS. :D

How long was it since you went to the Zoo Negara?
I forgot mine too.
And I hardly regain any memories the last time I went.

 Early in the morning, we were forced to get out of our bed
and gather at the zoo at 8am. It's been a long time since we wake up at this hour of the day.
Briefing was given, clear instructions was delivered.
No capturing pictures or videos, without the permission of the zoo keepers.
We are reminded that we are here as a volunteer and not visitor.
Later on, we were all distributed to different places and duty.
Our heartless lecturer asked the zoo keeper to get us to brush the croc's teeth. Omg.

 And so the three of us get a chance to work at the Zoo's kitchen and delivery of food to animals.
It's a kitchen, but it cooks for animals!
BUT it is cleaner than a lot of kitchens that cook for humans! It's very eye-opening to us.
Poeple are kind and warm, we met one very funny and outgoing one.
Although we were volunteers but he took care of us because we are girls. :)

We get to ride around in the lorry, look at every animals we delivered foods to.
We are the most fortunate among all of our coursemates.
Others are feeding, cleaning, sweeping, and we are there having fun with every animals. HAHAHA
A lot closer than visitors, we look at all the cute animals within a touchable distance!
So excited we keep on cheering and shouting and wanted to get in touch with as many animals as we could.

Teabreak, and everyone hop onto the lorry.
Pretties from DAR2. :D

 Such wonderful picture, credits to Pei En.

 Giraffe. Kwangsoo? One of them is named Chris.
He knows when you called his name. 
He would turned his head and look at me when I shouted his name. :3
Photo credits to Pei En.

We get to get a close look at the animals.
They are all lovely and cute.
We all fell in love with them.
And for me, I fell hopelessly in love with the tiger, Pacin.
But he was moody that day and I can't get to see him closely that day.

Animals are all so wonderful
they made all us forgot everything for that moment and enjoy the time with them.
It's been a long time since we had such meaningful day.

Who said animals are scary?
They are better than humans who always hurt people for their own benefits.
Animals don't.
They don't scheme.
They know who cares for them.
They protects the people who cares for them.
They may not have a brain like humans, but their hearts is much more purer than any human being.

Much different from the time when we were informed about this work,
we were very much thankful for this opportunity.
It's our very first experience, to get close with the animals.
In fact, a fun and meaningful one.

Mission accomplised.

And yes, we are crazy enough to go for a swim after an exhausting day at the zoo.
I am not in all the pictures taken at the pool though. :((

 Korean food for dinner.

Refillable side dishes.
I like the brinjal and kimchi. 6: 

They gave so much of the sotong I can't even finish it.
Definitely worth it! 

A bit dissapointing *Ddeokbokki*
This soup are nice but the rice cake doesn't have the fragance. :(


 Went for movie with this girl. HAHAHA
Endless energy when it comes to having fun.
FAST 6 finally.
Erm, it's nice. But didn't fulfil my expectation though.
Still, it's worth a watch. :)

Doing what girls do best.
Selca in the fitting room hahahah.
We are in love. 

 Went back Seremban the following day to meet my parents.
Reached Seremban, two more stations till Sg. Gadut and KTM got system down. -.-
But thanks to the broken train I get to had the best cendol in town! 
Favourite. 6: 

Went to clinic today, before coming back to KL.
Left eye been itchy for the past 2 weeks without a reason.
Doc just gave me medicine for sensitive eyes.
And for the first time I went to a doc because of my eyes,
and also get to buy my very first eyemo in my life.
That's how healthy my eyes are. *showoff

 Dumplings delivery! with greentea and chili sauce hahahah
Thanks 小姑! :)

6 is a perfect number. 
So sorry I threw a tantrum on the way back to school from zoo. :'(
I should have not let my emotion took control. 
I am very afraid of hot weather and all sweaty and uncomfortable.
My moodwsing are very much affected by the weather, especially when it's hot.
So sorry. I will control it properly next time..

When is your last time doing things for the first time?
There are so much more waiting for us to explore, and I will, eventually.
Praying and feeling gratitude for everything.

Not to forget,
I thank god and grandpa and all our ancestor for protecting my family,
preventing them from experiencing unfortunate.
My family were planning to Taiwan at the time the earthquake happenned,
but things came up then the trip was changed to China. Thankgod.
I was so shocked when I knew about this news at the same time feeling fortunate.
But still. Let's pray for Taiwan.
People, please be strong.

Thanks god for every good thing and every lessons learnt.
Thanks our families for being there and giving their best to us.
Thanks my perfect girlfriends always there for each other and makes us stronger.
Thanks everyone who love and adore me for who I am.
Goodnight. :')

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