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Sorry for the late updatess. But better late than never right? Hehes.
Erm, it's gonna a REAL LOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG one, again.
So just skip to the words part around the end part if you don't feel like going through the pics, which is quite the best part. 

Here goes. :)

PS Forgive me for the poor quality of the pictures alright. ;)

The Gemini. II
Celebrated it with the girls one day before the real birthday.
But the mood was there, the dates is just a number, only the people matters after all. :)

It's the cake both of us have been telling the world that we want to have. HAHAHA

Happy belated birthday to you. ;)

 We are the boss of the day

They (the scorpio babies) made us cut the cakes with our hands tied together.
Wait till your birthday come, YOU ANNOYING SCORPIO TRIO!

I remembered Huixin keeps on telling us to read the cards after we reached home,
but yeah we are the Gemini, we don't listen when curiosity hits. HAHAHA
So we just open it and read it like no one stop us, and we even exchanged it afterwards! HAHAHAH GEMINI.

Mei wasn't there, sorry I'm not pro enough as to edit you into the pictures.
But you are with us, in our heart la HAHAH.

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

Uncle Jang with the mates on the birthday night.
Only get to captured the food before it's ready,
'cause we are too hungry to wait anymore.
It's Fast and Furious 7 that night, I mean the speed of us finishing the whole thing.
Still the best!

First time celebrating it with all of them!


First time celebrating my birthday with Mr. Tew.

First time with her too.
For years we have been bestie but never get the chance to celebrate our birthday together until now.
Again, better late than never !

I didn't see it coming.
Thanks for the surprise, the cake, the effort and everything. :)

*wish ah bong will get a girl soon
Why would I waste my wish on him HAHAHAH.

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲


SIX. ♥

From Huiyih.

The only wish I constantly get on every birthday. -.-

Handmade by Huiyih.

Was tricked by Huixin.

The real present from Naughty Huixin.

Here's a GREAT idea of birthday box!
All she did is use the box inside out, saved up the money to buy a birthday box.
Creative and environmental-friendly!

A card from my sis, Yongshun all the way from Johore. Appreciated! :)

Last but not the least, from le boy.

Got a yummy lunch made by Mei on my birthday 6:


Hahahaha, thankiew boy.

It's a meaningful birthday spent with most of the people that matters to me.
今年生日 意义非凡
第一次 和那么多重要的人庆祝 好开心好开心
那么多年以来 重来没有朋友那么用心帮我庆祝
今年却不只一次 是两次庆祝 是那么的用心那么简单却那么多感动.

今年的生日 还以为会和往年一样的 所以并没有抱太多期望
真心觉得 能全部人一起坐下来吃顿饭就很感动了
结果竟然还有蛋糕礼物 和那么多用心.
为了不让我们看到你们拿蛋糕出来 还故意让我和yungni坐那个方向的座位
我们怎么忍心拆穿 你们的用心我都看在眼里 

虽然不是贵重的 但是心意是无价的 我真的满足了.
一切超出我预料. 要怎么不爱你们!

谢谢你 身体不方便还跑那么远去买蛋糕
谢谢你们的惊喜 真的很开心
Simple things is always enough to make me happy. :)

妈妈本来说很累不上来的 但是或许是想到我的生日也快到的关系?
每次都没有拍到照的. 唉

去吃了不小心找到的好料 - 美之海鲜
在Festival那里转进去 到Oldtown的红绿灯转左 一路走到尾 会在你的右边
很饿了 所以也没有拍到照片 但是真的很好料 去吃了就知道 不会后悔. ;)

19年前妈妈辛苦怀了我10个月 忍痛把我生下来气她
养大我们 撑起这个家 辛苦你们了.
我会努力 为了自己 也为了你们.

结果生日那晚 想家了. :(


I am blessed and I know it.
I appreciate and is always gratitude with what I have and had.
知足常乐. Gratitude people are the richest.
I wanna be the richest girl in the world.
I will learn. Learn to appreciate more, to forgive more.

Never let what you want makes you forget what you have.

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

Hostel got broke in, a week before.
Heartbroken, and I am.
Lost my laptop and D3100.

I can still tears at the second I think of it.
Anything related to dslr would reminds me of mine.
Tears will go out of control by the thoughts of it. :'(

I hoped you are in the hand of someone who needs you more than me,
who love you more than me, who takes care of you better than me,
and who deserved you.
I miss you.

Was unable to accept the fact that they are gone. It takes time.
Couldn't believed it's gone, just like that. 

Still, I'm thankful that I didn't decided to get a new laptop over a desktop last time.
Or else it would have been gone by now together with the others.
Luckily desktop was the choice back then.
I am not feeling happy or so, just trying to see something good in this incident.
And yes, no one gets hurt. Fortunately.

To the one who stole our stuff. 
Sincerely, from us.

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

It's the haze season again.
It's a special season we have every year in the Southeast region
when Indonesia caused irresponsible pollution and blame the weather and nature for it.
And yes, it even broke the world record with the highest PSI record.

Please take care of yourself everyone.
Get a mask, drink plenty of water and stay indoor as much as possible.
Stay healthy everyone.
Just pray and hope our government do what they said.

Gonna be a busy week (or MONTH) ahead.
Gonna make the most fun out of it, I hope. 
It's the attitude that matters. :)


Hope you had a great time reading this post, despite of the length.
Have a great week ahead everyone. 
Goodnight. :) 

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