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上一篇才在Throwback中学,这篇就Diploma毕业了. What the...
时间 能不能让我缓缓,好,不能,ok.

There's too much on my mind now, I don't even know where to start.

有点想念那股让我们撑着的热忱 当然同时还是有点恐惧 哈哈哈

My pillar of strength, or my everything.
I couldn't have made it without them.
No matter it's financially or emotionally, they have given me the greatest support.
They gave me wings. They show me the world is out there if I have the courage to step out.
Never stopping me from pursuing anything I want.
I will keep on the hard work and hope the day I make you proud is not too far from now.
Thank dad, thanks mum.

The most important thing I learnt along this journey can be conclude in three words:
"It Goes On."

Archi 这条路 就是不断的挑战自己
你 只 能 继 续 做 。

认真想想,这3年 能撑完 的确要感谢很多人
尤其是 每个都少根经的Coursemate
你要是不少根经 是不可能在这样的压力下生存的
面对最多的就是Coursemate, 老师 和Assignment.

这3年 也不是平平静静的过的 哈哈哈
但是一路上 不都是互相扶持互相吐槽 这样一天一天的过了
一个接一个新挑战都战胜了 大家都看到大家的成长。

这3年,除了家人 还是有些人必须感谢

我的第二个家庭 谢谢爹娘

对不起我没有邀请你们来 因为我实在不觉得这个毕业典礼有什么重大的意义.
只是个Diploma毕业而已,Degree的毕业典礼 你们一定要来!
阿薇说她开始存钱了 哈哈哈哈

不只是这3年,是整个人生 没有你我不行啊
好了,省略省略。把舞台让给别人 哈哈哈哈

我知道我很少表达对你的感谢 好好珍惜这一次吧不知道还有没有下次哈哈哈
从接我放学 听我说那天发生的事
到后来 种种压力和想家的时候 都有你在 是庆幸的
每次开学还没开始做功课就已经开始压力 总是要先哭一遍 你都无条件的包容和安慰.
熬夜做功课 你也陪我熬夜 我做模型你温习考试 总是尽量的陪伴我
压力大到睡不着的时候 生病的时候 心情不好的时候
感谢老天,生命中的那个时候 遇见这样的你。
对不起,到现在 我还是什么都没能给你。

In this 3 years, I learnt and enjoyed the most when we are under the lead of AR. Chang,
I found the passion in architecture, and trully had fun at the same time learning.
I was full of motivation and keeps on pushing myself forward.
Meeting the right lecturer really will change your life.
Thank you, Sir.

But in the end, I still decided to change course.
But the times when I'm in archi, will definitely be missed, all the time.
When I see archi students or seniors in school, I still envy them.
'Cause not everyone can do archi, and yet I see our seniors doing so well.
I just have to respect them. My eyes will always be filled with respect and wonder when I see them doing their work.
It's tough, but it's not impossible.

Advice to those who are considering to do Architecture?
It's insane and inhumane. Ask all of them in the class, and all of them will give you the same answer.
The crazy part is,  if you give me a second chance all over again,
I would still make the same choice.

Archi is not a course, it's a life journey.
When you choose archi, you are not choosing a course, it's a life you choose there.
You have to be physically and emotionally strong.
You are going to challenge yourself, all the time.
You will come to know your limits, and breakthrough them.
And you will be surprised by how tough you can be.

So, if you happen to be considering whether to choose this path, or not, think twice, or thrice or much much more.
If you decided to better not, good choice bruh.
If you still wanna go for it, have fun and stay strong.

Congrats on the graduation everyone. but we all know this is not the end.
It's a long journey, all the best in the future endeavor.

"When you get older
Your wild heart will live for younger days
Think of me if ever you're afraid."

He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember."
My father told me when I was just a child
These are the nights that never die

-- Avicii "The Nights"

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