上一篇才在Throwback中学,这篇就Diploma毕业了. What the... 时间 能不能让我缓缓,好,不能,ok. 3年,这只是个逗号,不是句号。 人生只有一个句号,就是你离开的时候。 There's too much on my mind now, I don't even know where to start. 3年,不简单,真的。 想起那些不吃不喝不睡不拉的生活 有点想念那股让我们撑着的热忱 当然同时还是有点恐惧 哈哈哈 因为并不是每个人都有机会体验这种生活。 我们学到的,远超过课本上的东西。 如果你没有体会过,我再怎么说,你也还是想象不到感觉不到我们感受的。 My pillar of strength, or my everything. I couldn't have made it without them. No matter it's financially or emotionally, they have given me the greatest support. They gave me wings. They show me the world is out there if I have the courage to step out. Never stopping me from pursuing anything I want. I will keep on the hard work and hope the day I make you proud is not too far from now. Thank dad, thanks mum. The most important thing I learnt along this journey can be conclude in three words: "It Goes On." Archi 这条路 就是不断的挑战自己 你会做很多你从来没有想过你做得到的事