Role play group :)
这个三八佬 也从新山来 和我住在同一个花园 我们同姓
他还有参加那时我们宗乡青青年团办的<童年时光> 但是我不记得他
我们每隔几天就会发现新的共同点 哈哈哈哈
那么多共同点 我们却花了18年才知道对方的存在
世界真的是 小得可怜 缘分这东西 有时是唯一的解释.
别组role play的白雪公主.我们新班花. XD
Another happy day in DAR1. :))
Crazy role play went on today in block PA.
The feeling of belonging I got from DAR1 '12, after 4 science 3 '10, is very heartwarming.
We are from different places, but we share the same dream and direction.
There are piles of assignment and deadlines making us exhausted but we never fail to have fun and laugh through it.
We all agreed that we are of course tired, but we enjoyed everything up till now. I like that feeling. :)
Thanks to the boys, the class is never bored, thanks to all the gay things they do. Hahahaha.
and the girls too, Thanks to them I am not always the only one doing crazy things.
Doing crazy things without giving a damn what others think, I like that part of us. :D
Times when we do crazy things together I feel like I'm in a place where I really belong,
with people sharing the same dream as me and doing things that we really want to do.
Best feeling ever.
We have fun, laugh and fight together. :)
We are not coursemate, we are friends and partners! :)
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只是个过程刚开始或许有点难 但你会再站起来.
我们连不舒服都要一起 真的很让人受不了.
那男人 要不要等是你的事了 我不管 但是你肚子给我管好来.
我还是一直会在 这个不用我讲.
时间会过的 很多事情都会过去 很多感情都会慢慢变淡.
失恋 tmd有什么了不起.
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肚子痛着 月经加泻肚子 一边吃饭一边冲厕所是想怎样.
吃一顿饭都不知道要去几次厕所. @#$%!
爸爸妈妈不在 没有人关心 没有人跟你买药 没有人问你有没有好一点.
下午睡醒还记得梦里有妈妈煮的菜. 眼泪没有掉 只是想继续睡 什么都不想.
算了 不切实际.
生日要到了, 只想要真心的祝福 和紧紧地拥抱. :)
今天肚子很痛 冲厕所到很郁闷.
但是 还是开心的一天.
想家的日子 又过了一天. 晚安. :)